Lighting Effects

The in-ground luminaires for high visual comfort 

STONE range of in-ground luminaires for functional and decorative lighting of exteriors are highly resistant and walk-over, perfect for enhancing environments with suggestive and functional lightpaths, featuring an elegant grazing light effect.

  • Elegant, small-size design, able to enhance any environment
  • High resistance: the AISI 316L stainless steel structure guarantees a high protection degree; walk over with a static load capacity up to 1000kg, submersible
  • Versatility: range of color temperatures and monodirectional, birectional and radial; side-emitter PMMA lenses to ensure optimal beam orientation
  • Available with Bluetooth Low Energy technology to enable remote control
  • Application: illumination of passageways, boulevards, residential and hospitality outdoor spaces

STONE55 grazing - twoway
grazing - twoway
Product Configurator

Ponte Sospeso, Vagli

Sulle torri sono stati installati proiettori NADIR con ottiche a fascio concentrante e a luce diffusa che permettono l’illuminazione della struttura per tutta la sua lunghezza esaltandone l’imponenza e la forma geometrica, lateralmente ai piloni sono stati posizionati proiettori MOTO che illuminano l’ingresso al ponte.

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Suggestivo progetto illuminotecnico del giardino del prestigioso complesso residenziale di Gabriel Square

Gabriel Square Garden - St Albans, London

La suggestiva illuminazione dei giardini, pensata per il benessere dei residenti del pluripremiato complesso residenziale londinese

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